FinTech Club @ Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech’s sole FinTech-focused organization
Our mission is to cultivate a driven FinTech community.
Founded in 2021, the FinTech Club at Virginia Tech strives to be a leading organization on campus. We host professional development workshops, speaker events, and social events for our members.
Our Organization
Learn more on our club’s history and achievements.
What We Do
We offer professional development workshops for VT students that are recruiting across the FinTech spectrum. This includes resume, networking, and interview preparation.
Across each semester, the FinTech club hosts fireside chats with professionals across the FinTech industry.
FinTech club members also build their technical skillsets through our pods, which are specialized groups of 4-6 students who have adeep interest in a specific subject.
We travel to New York and/or Charlotte every year to visit FinTech alumni at various firms. We also host a variety of social events across the year, including game nights, competitions, and dinners.
Get Involved
Find out more on ways you can get involved, whether you’re an interested VT student, a potential speaker, or a company that would like to partner with us!